Yes, we're slowing moving to the technology(!) but we've finally migrated our worship to the Internet, specifically, to Facebook Live.

We've welcomed people to worship with us by phone for several years (and that's STILL an option! Click HERE for details) but now you have a third means of access. Visit our Facebook page, either through a web browser (www.facebook.com/fccem.org or the Facebook app, where you can witness our worship live on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. or view the replays from services held on or after Easter Sunday 2024 (March 31).


  • For a variety of reasons, we have rearranged our Sunday worship so that our Facebook Live broadcasts begin with and include only our announcement and prayer times, the morning sermon, and a time of communion (the Lord's Supper). The bad news of this structure is that you miss some music. The good news is you're done with worship in 45 minutes or less!
  • And about our communion service: YOU are welcome/invited/encouraged to join us for communion via our Facebook Live presentations. Your denominational history (or lack thereof) is of no concern to us. If you want to participate, simply have something - ANYTHING - to use as your bread and cup. That means you can use bread, or crackers, or pieces of meat or candy; and juice, or water, or soda, or milk. It doesn't matter WHAT you use; it only matters what significance you give to what you use. We take each element separately, the bread first. You'll hear a very clear invitation to take each, an invitation we hope you'll accept.
  • During the live or in response to your viewing of the replay, we hope you'll post a greeting, and/or leave comments or questions. We'll reply to the page or via whatever means you request.