We've decided to resume in-person worship on July 12. That means we have a few more Sundays of phone-in worship. We'd love to welcome you to our weekly gathering, and have made connecting to it as easy as this:
STEP 1: Call (727) 731-7339
That’s it! Call that number and you'll hear a welcome to our conference call service, a notice of how many people have already called-in, and an invitation to introduce yourself (which you may accept or not; your choice!)
At the end of the call, you’ll simply hang up. The only cost to you is whatever cell minutes you use (or the cost of the call, if you use a landline).
We will soon test the possibility of having people call in to listen live once we resume in-person worship. More info on that as it becomes available. For now, join us THIS SUNDAY!
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: One aspect of our weekly worship is that we invite everyone on the call to take communion. If you want to join us for that part of our worship, all you need is something to serve as your "bread and cup." ANYTHING will do! Your bread might be a cracker, a cookie, or a piece of meat. As we said, ANYTHING! And your cup might be water, juice, pop, or milk. Again, ANYTHING! What matters when we take communion is the attitude of our hearts, not the composition of the elements. Just be sure to have your "bread and cup" within reach when the worship begins.