Help us create our centennial time capsule with your coin(s)!

As part of our centennial celebration in October, we'll fill, seal, then bury a time capsule on our church grounds. We expect to include photos, copies of documents, trinkets, and a letter from our current congregation members, among other things. Among the other things we want to include are coins from each of the quarter centuries of our history as a congregation. Those years are:

  • 1919
  • 1944
  • 1969
  • 1994
  • 2019

If you have a coin from one or more of of those five years and are willing to part with it, we'd love to include it in our time capsule, along with a note reporting your donation. Since we need no more than one set of coins per year (one set = a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half-dollar, dollar) we'll operate on a first-donated, first-accepted basis. Contact us by phone, email, our Contact Us page, or in person if you have a coin to offer.

UPDATE: Thanks to coin donations from two people in our church, we have the five coins we need, from the years listed above. Praise God!