the Latest "BIG thing" fccem is doing will provide needed warmth to the quad cities

We're excited about the newest addition to our collection of ministries at FCCEM: Warm Up for Winter, in which we'll collect new- and gently used winter outwear items - coats, hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, etc. -  from the community, then give those items away to people in need.

Currently, we're ONLY collecting items (Tuesdays: 9-11am; Thursdays: 5-7pm). When we establish a sufficient inventory, we'll announce the schedule of times during which we'll distribute items. So for the moment, we invite you to search your closets and other storage areas for possible donation items. In addition, you'd bless our efforts if you'd spread the news to your family and friends (you can also like and/or follow our church's Facebook page HERE). We believe God will use your donation, along with those from other Quad Cities residents, to warm up winter '22-'23 for lots of our neighbors.

Learn more about Warm Up for Winter by clicking THIS LINK.