We returned our Sunday morning in-person worship to our worship center, on the upper level of our building, on June 6, 2021. Here's what you need to know about that return home:
- We recommend that you park in our main lot, on the west side of the building (so drive up and around the little bend, to what seems to be the back side of the building).
- In compliance with current state COVID mitigation protocols, we ask that ALL ELIGIBLE PERSONS, including fully-vaccinated people, wear a mask when inside our building (exceptions include children age two and under, and people with medical reasons not to wear masks).
- We've posted a hands-free hand sanitizing station on each level of our building.
- We will not serve refreshments, either before or after worship.
- We ask that all worship participants other than the multimedia system operator sit, socially distanced from other households, in the front half of the room... in pews marked with a sign.
- Until further notice, we will not engage in congregational singing.
- Sealed and disposable communion element packets are available in a tray on the stand adjacent to the center entrance to the worship center. We invite you to take one as you enter, for use later in the worship (we invite everyone to take communion with us - members, non-members, and people of all ages).
- A tray in which you may place any financial offering you wish to make on any given Sunday is available on the same stand, but only at the close of worship, making said offering one final act of worship. [In case it's not clear from that wording, people who donate to our church do so in several ways, and at the level and frequency of their choosing, meaning that on any given Sunday, several people make no offering. Hence, those who don't place an offering in the tray never stand out in any way.]
- If the return to the worship center creates unacceptable financial burdens (i.e. via heating/cooling costs) we will return in-person worship to fellowship hall.
- REALLY IMPORTANT: Our phone-in worship option remains available. For details on that option, CLICK HERE.